Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 7, Day 6: Kristin

As Joy already stated, yesterday was the Komen Race for the Cure. My personal goal was to run the entire 5K. I haven't ever done that before, so I wanted to see if I could. I didn't care what my time was, I just wanted to say that I ran an entire 5K. And guess what...I did!! It wasn't always easy, but I just pushed myself.

Each time I came to the water station, I told myself, "Don't stop. Just keep going, or you'll lose all your momentum." So, even though I was very thirsty and really wanted some water, I just kept going. It really paid off, too. My official time was 32:49, which was a 10:34 min/mile pace. That's my best time ever, and it's also my best pace yet. I couldn't be more excited! I just can't believe that I did it.


Side note: At the end, I saw this guy, who was in pretty decent shape, right ahead of me and decided that I was going to try to beat him. I kicked it up a lot and ended up crossing the finish line, right in front of him. I barely beat him, but I beat him nonetheless. :-)

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