Monday, August 30, 2010

Week 4, Day 1: Joyful

Stretching & Strength Training

I just did stretches today - nothing with the weights.  Some of the stretches help build strength, though.  I cut it short, so I only managed 12 minutes.  Since I've been stretching more regularly, I've noticed a big difference in my flexibility.  I'm doing the stretches for runners as suggested in our training program as well as some of the stretches from my days as a cheerleader.  I'd love to be able to do the splits again.

Not a lot of time in, but I feel great!

Week 4, Day 1: Kristin

Nothing too special today. I just did my normal stretching and strengthening exercises that I always do.

Total time = 24 minutes strength + 5 minutes stretching


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 3, Day 7: Kristin

Well, today was our 30 minute cross-training day. I had to cut mine short because some weirdo guys were following me while I was riding my bicycle. I did get in 27 minutes of the 30 minutes, but I am still a little freaked out.

Total distance = honestly, I haven't the slightest idea
Total time = 27 minutes

Side note: I shouldn't have told my husband that these guys were following me. He was about ready to kill someone. Although, it did freak me out quite a bit.


Week 3, Days 6 & 7: Joyful

Yes, yes, I'm a day late in posting this.  I finished my last workout a bit late last night and didn't feel like blogging it, to be honest.

Yesterday - Day 6
I had a 4-miler on the schedule, and I ended up just walking the whole thing.  I had a migraine most of yesterday, and I was waiting for it to subside before I started my workouts.  At 7pm it was still going strong, so I decided to just go for it anyway.  Because of the migraine and the persisting shoe issue, I didn't even try to jog, let alone run.  My time still sucks, of course, but I completed a 4-mile walk - the most I've ever walked for walking's sake!  

More than anything, I'm really proud of myself for sticking to it even with the migraine.  It would have been really easy to just skip a day's training, but I this has become a priority for me.  I'm doing this for me and no one else, and it's a matter of principle that I keep my commitment to myself.

I still had the strength training left over from Thursday.  I rested a bit after the walk, began with a few minutes of stretches (which feel great and are becoming increasingly important), then knocked out a few simple strength training exercises.

Today - Day 7
Today's schedule calls for 30 minutes of strength training, which I completed this morning already.  I just did a Wii Fit workout.  I'm trying to make the most of my cross-training days, so I'm starting to do the more advanced versions of some of the exercises, which burn more calories.


Yesterday - 

4-mile walk:
73 minutes, 458 calories burned

Strength Training:
16 minutes, 77 calories burned

50 crunches
50 shoulder presses
50 dumbbell flies
25 bicep curls
25 tricep extensions
+5 minutes stretching

Today - 

Wii Fit workout
30 minutes, 151 calories burned

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week 3, Day 6: Kristin

I am so glad that yesterday was a rest day. I needed it, BIG TIME!

Today we had our first 4-mile run of the training schedule. I have to admit, I was very intimidated to have to do this run. Instead of running my normal 2-mile route twice, I decided to drive into Sperry and run the Osage Prairie Trail into Skiatook. I had my mom drop me off, and then she picked me up at the end of my 4 miles. I started out with a great pace, and wasn't winded much during the entire run. I ran what I thought was about a mile and a half, and then walked for one-tenth of a mile. Then I ran some more, and walked another tenth. Then, when I knew I had about half a mile left, I walked three-tenths of it, and ran the last two-tenths.

In total, I ran 3.5 miles, and only walked 0.5 of it. I completely surprised myself. Maybe I'll be able to run 4 miles straight soon. We shall see.

Total distance = 4 miles: 3.5 running, 0.5 walking
Total time = 46 minutes (!!) <--WOWZA!

Side note: When there are two lanes on a trail, and you are riding your bike with your whole family, the polite thing to do is to move over to the other side when someone is approaching you from the opposite direction. Please don't make the runner run off into the ditch because you can't stop your conversation for two seconds while the runner passes by. INCREDIBLY RUDE!!


Friday, August 27, 2010

Week 3, day 4: Joyful

Posting this a day late, but whatevs.

I just did an easy 2-mile walk last night.  I settled into a brisk walk, then got ambitious and tried to up the pace.  About a minute in my calves and ankles started hurting again pretty bad, so I went back to walking. 

Daily Mile is still giving me the man with a cane when I post my workouts, but I really don't think that walking two miles in 35 minutes is all that bad...Come on, Daily Mile!  LAY OFF a bit!

Have a 5k in 4 weeks and I really want to at least get back to where I was in May for the last 5k Kristin and I did.  It will also be nice to get another race in before the Tulsa Run in October.  I'm going to run 9 miles in TWO MONTHS!!!  Eek! 

Total: 35 minute walk, 250 calories burned

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 3, Day 4: Kristin

Today is a run + strengthening day. It's a two-mile run plus strengthening exercises.

I went ahead and knocked out my strengthening exercises before I took my daughter to school. I was only able to get through 12 minutes, though, because my stomach is still pretty sore from the other day's strengthening exercises. Also, my knees weren't feeling so hot today.

For my run, I did the regular route I do for my 2 miles. When I only had 0.5 miles left to run, I decided to kick it up a gear. I ran harder than I have in quite some time. I'm incredibly out of breath, and probably really gonna pay for it later, but I did it.

Today's Strengthening:
  • Set One
  1. 15 regular push-ups
  2. 15 regular crunches
  3. 15 back extensions
  4. 15 modified lunges
  • Set Two
  1. 15 push-ups with elbows along sides
  2. 15 leg lifts
  3. 15 two-legged bridges
  4. 15 reverse modified lunges
Total time = 12 minutes

Today's Run:
Total distance = 2 miles: all running
Total time = 21 minutes (!!)

Side note: While you may have a rockin' body at 60, and you're super tan, it's still not very classy to be outside in your bikini mowing your front lawn. Just my opinion, though.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Week 3, Day 3: Joyful

Like Kristin said, today we upped our cross-training time to a total of 35 minutes.  I stuck with the Wii Fit.  No big deal.

I'm thinking that I may see if Billy and I can go look at bikes since it's going to be getting cooler soon (hopefully).  It will be nice to have some more options outside of the house.

Total: 38 minutes, 173 calories burned

Week 3, Day 3: Kristin

Today, we were supposed to up our cross-training by 5 minutes, which made for a 35 minute session. I found myself riding quite fast on some parts and incredibly slow on some parts. I'm going to attribute the slow times to when the wind was ridiculously strong. And maybe that means the fast times were when the wind was at my back.

Either way, I still rode for over 5 miles. That's quite a bit more than I had anticipated to ride.

Total distance = 5.35 miles
Total time = 35 minutes

(I calculated how fast that would be and it was 9.17 mph. Not too shabby!)

Side note: While riding by my son's school, I laughed watching the 5th graders (I assume they were 5th graders) play kickball. It took me back to childhood, when I played kickball on the playground. Those were the days...


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week 3, Day 2: Joyful

Just got off the treadmill from a 3-mile walk.  At least I'm pretty sure it was three miles, as I accidentally hit reset on the treadmill somewhere into the first mile.

Tried a few jogging intervals, but could barely make it to 2 minutes on them because of pain in my calves and inner arches of my feet.  Our training guide says not to be afraid of walking the scheduled mileage, so that's what I did after the second or third painful jogging interval.  After that I felt great.

I think the shoes I have now are just going to have to be walking shoes.  That sucks, because I just bought them, but they really do feel great at a brisk walking pace.  When I have some funds next week I'll go to Fleet Feet and have them watch me run so I can hopefully get into a shoe that isn't painful.

My time still sucks, but it does include 10 additional minutes for warm-up/cool-down.  No worries. I hit my mileage, then took the time to stretch afterward - which felt a-MAZ-ing!

Walking: 55 minutes, 325 calories burned
Distance:  3 miles (??)
Calories burned: 325

Stretching: 10 minuntes, 57 calories burned

Total: 65 minutes, 382 calories burned

Week 3, Day 2: Kristin

Today is our 3-mile run day for week 3. I didn't sleep well at all last night, so I figured today would be quite a struggle for me. And it was. While the temperature sure was nice, there was a fairly strong wind that slowed me down considerably. It was rough. It felt nice to have the breeze in my face, but it didn't feel good to have to push against that strong wind through most of my run.

Needless to say, it wasn't necessarily a "fun" run. But, I ran ALL THREE MILES! I never once stopped to walk. That's the first time I've done that...ever!! So proud of myself!

Total distance = 3 miles: ALL RUNNING
Total time = 35 minutes!!!

Side note: For some strange reason, there are a lot of dead worms all over the sidewalks in my neighborhood. Gross.


Monday, August 23, 2010

Week 3, Day 1: Joyful

Stretching & Strength Training

I took it easy today because I had a rough start to the week and needed a breather, literally.

I tried some new strength training moves from Wii Fit, but using the balance board screws me up because I can never get my feet in right place for the game to "like" my movements.  So I just did some of the moves on my own.  No idea how many reps I did.  Anywhere between 15-50.

bicep curls
rowing squats
side lunges
shoulder press
butterfly curls
tricep extensions

Also did a few leg and hip stretches.

18 minutes strength training - 89 calories burned
10 minutes stretching - 28  calories burned

Total = 28 minutes, 117 calories

Week 3, Day 1: Kristin

Today is a Stretching + Strengthening day. Here's what I did today:

  • Set One
  1. 15 regular push-ups
  2. 15 regular crunches
  3. 15 back extensions
  4. 15 modified lunges
  • Set Two
  1. 15 push-ups w/ elbows along sides
  2. 15 leg lifts
  3. 15 two-legged bridges
  4. 15 reverse modified lunges
  • Set Three
  1. 15 tricep push-ups
  2. 15 oblique crunches
  3. 20 one-legged bridges
  4. 15 modified squat
  • Set Four
  1. 15 regular push-ups
  2. 15 jackknives
  3. 20 one-legged lunges
  4. 15 calf raises
Total time strengthening= 24 minutes
Total time stretching = 10 minutes (5 warm-up, and 5 cool-down)

Side note: Those jackknives are ridiculously hard. I couldn't do them the way you're supposed to, but I don't know who could.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Blooper video: Take 1

Week 2, Day 7: Kristin

Today was a cross-training day, which meant a bike ride for me. I rode like a maniac, faster than I ever have before, and went about 3.5-4 miles.

That's all.

Total distance = 3.5 to 4 miles (not really sure)
Total time = 30 minutes

No side note today.

Week 2, Day 7: Joyful

So, today has been much better than yesterday in my world of marathon training.  Kristin and I brainstormed last night on different things I could do during my running workouts to try and see more improvement.  Logically I know that I *have* to get better over time and this is still just the end of the second week of official training.  Nonetheless, I'm really glad that there's not a run on the schedule until Tuesday.

On today's schedule was Cross Training, then I had my strength training from Thursday left to do still.

I knocked out a Wii Fit workout this morning for the Cross Training.  No big deal.

This afternoon I completed a Weights Workout.  All dumbbell exercises were using 4-pound dumbbells unless otherwise noted.

50 butterfly curls
50 crunches
50 shoulder presses
50 leg lifts, ea. leg
25 bicep curls, ea. arm - 8-lb. dumbbells
25 tricep extensions
25 push-ups


Wii Workout - 31 minutes, 130 calories burned
Weights - 25 minutes, 123 calories burned

Total: 56 minutes, 253 calories burned

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week 2, Day 6: Joyful

Today was rough.  Had a 3-miler and strength training.

After my warm-up, I did my jogged slowly for about 12 minutes, then walked for about five minutes.  When I started slow jogging again my calves were burning and my ankles were sore, so before the end of two minutes, I was walking again.  I made it to a mile, and stepped off the treadmill to take a quick break to get my mind in a better place.

I get back in there and am just miserable.  I'm tired, lagging, and sore.  I start to get really pissed off about how crappy and slow it's going - I feel like I'm never going to make it to three miles.  At 1.5 miles, I just start sprinting to try and run off the negative energy and rack up some distance. This little angry outburst lasted about a minute.  So, I just walked the last half of my miserable three miles and pretty much pouted that it's not going as well as I would like.

I feel like I'm all heart and no natural ability.  And since being a cheerleader is the closest I've ever gotten to being an athlete, I just don't know if working out six days a week and having the desire to become a runner is enough to make it so.

I'm just kind of pissy about it right now, so I'm going to do the strength training tomorrow.  I really enjoy strength training, so hopefully my attitude will be better in the morning.

Distance: 3 miles
Time: 59 minutes   <--- CRAP TIME!
20 minute miles

P.S. To add insult to injury, when I posted this workout to Daily Mile, it added a hunched over person with a cane next to my stats.  Apparently Daily Mile is equally unimpressed with me.  :/

Week 2, Day 6: Kristin

Yesterday was our rest day. Joy and her husband came over to my house and we did some more video blogs. I'll post those later today. They're fantastic!

Today's agenda had us doing a 3 mile run. It's a lot hotter today than it was at the beginning of the week when I did my 3-miler. I walked less, but my time was worse today. I think it's because I didn't eat anything for breakfast this morning, completely by accident, and it really affected me. I felt like I was going to be sick a couple of times on my run, and came really close to losing it when I walked through the door at home. It wasn't a "bad" run totally, but it sure wasn't a "great" run by any means.

Total distance = 3 miles: 2.7 running, 0.3 walking
Total time = 39 minutes :-(

Side note: ALWAYS eat something before a run! Not right before a run, but don't run on an empty stomach. You'll be paying for it later!


Thursday, August 19, 2010

Week 2, Day 4: Joyful

I looked at the training schedule wrong and was prepared for a 3-mile run today, but it was just a 2-miler.  WOOT!

Kristin suggested that to help solve my pacing issues that I pick up my feet and make the jogging motion while still moving at my brisk walking pace.  No, I won't better my time, but I'll get my body used to motion I want it to be making.

I tried this today, and I feel like it might work.  My time still stinks, but I was able to do this slow jog for 10 consecutive minutes, then off and on for the rest of the workout.  In all, I did about half my workout this way, moving at least as fast as my brisk walking pace (3.2-3.5 mph).  My calves and ankles had some new pains, but I can really see increasing my speed this way.  So THANKS, KRISTIN!!

Also, so my time doesn't look *quite* as bad, my 5-minute warm-up is included in this time, which was at just 2.5 mph.  I usually don't count this in my mileage, but I forgot to reset both my Ipod and my treadmill.

Distance: 2 miles
Time: 38
19-minute mile

Week 2, Day 4: Kristin

Today is a 2 mile run + strength day. I did my run first, which may have been a good thing, but I'm still not sure.

On my run, I actually ran all 2 miles, straight through!! I'm so incredibly proud of myself. I'm also quite impressed with my time. According to my watch, I ran it in 10 minutes. I know that's not true, though, because after I was through my first mile, I checked my watch and it was stuck at the time I started. Somehow it ended up working again, and I did it in 10 minutes! I wish!! My real time is quite impressive, too. I'll post that at the end.

I added another set to my strength training, making it through 3 sets.

  • Set One
  1. 15 regular push-ups
  2. 15 regular crunches
  3. 15 back extensions
  4. 15 modified lunges
  • Set Two
  1. 15 push-ups w/ elbows along sides
  2. 15 leg lifts
  3. 15 two-legged bridges
  4. 15 reverse modified lunges
  • Set Three
  1. 15 tricep push-ups
  2. 15 oblique crunches
  3. 20 one-legged bridges
  4. 15 modified squats
Total time for Strengthening Exercises = 18 minutes

Today's Run:
Total distance = 2 miles
Total time = 22 minutes!!!!

Side note: Don't drink a 20 oz. Coke Zero right before you go out to do your run. It's not wise.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Week 2, Day 3: Joyful

Not too much to report today.  Just a 31-minute Wii workout.  Easy Peasy.

31 minutes
125 calories

Week 2, Day 3: Kristin

Today. I'm so glad that today was a cross-training day. It was an extremely emotional day for me, since today is the day I took my daughter to pre-k for the first time...ever. So to have a "light" activity day was perfect for me.

However, when I got out there on my bicycle, it wasn't great. I was struggling from the get-go. I was about 15 minutes into my 30 minute ride when I realized what the problem was. I have a flat tire. So, I walked the bike back the last 15 minutes. I took my time, but I still worked up a sweat. I wasn't concerned with distance or pace. I just got my 30 minutes of cross-training in and I'm pleased with that.

I now must shower so I can pick up my kids from school.

Total distance = Not really sure and happy with that.
Total time = 30 minutes

Side note: When a sign says, "Beware of Dog," it's pretty safe to assume that the dog is huge. And that it's bark is pretty intimidating. And that I shouldn't pass that house again.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Week 2, Day 2: Kristin

What a difference 20 degrees makes!! Seriously. Today was the 3-mile run, and I wasn't really looking forward to it. I wasn't sure how I was going to be able to squeeze it in, since I started school today, but the kids didn't. Luckily, my class got out early so I was able to get home in time to run with enough daylight.

Today's run was AMAZING! I haven't been feeling like myself the past few days, emotionally and physically, so I wasn't sure how much running I'd actually be able to do. I surprised myself! I ran for 2.1 miles straight through, not stopping to walk. I then walked 0.4 miles, mostly because my ankle was a little sore. And then, I ran the last 0.5 miles back home. It was beautiful outside and I felt great when I was running. The only thing that even really bothered me was my ankle, but I think I know how to fix that.

Total distance = 3 miles: 2.6 miles running, 0.4 miles walking
Total time = 36 minutes

Side note: Some guy honked at me, and then said he wasn't honking at me, and then said maybe he was honking at me. Weird.


Week 2, Day 2: Joyful

Our training schedule has us upping our mileage to three miles each workout this week.  It went well today, I suppose, but I am having difficulty getting my body back into running.  Fast walking is almost pushing it, even.  If it's not my asthma, it's my heart.  I'm trying to be patient, but at this point a half-marathon seems near impossible.   Not to mention the fact that I'm calling myself a "runner" despite the fact that I'm not exactly running. Bleh.

I did my three miles, nonetheless.  I feel pretty good, albeit sore from the weight training.  I managed several running intervals, all at about a minute each.

Distance - 3 miles
Time - 58 minutes
19.3 min/mile

Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 2, Day 1: Joyful

Today was a light day, with an unspecified amount of time devoted to stretching and strength training.  It came at just the right time, as my muscles have been a bit sore the past few days.

Not a terribly interesting report, just that the stretching was challenging, but hurt in a good way (cue John Cougar Mellencamp song...).

10 minutes Stretching:
Shoulders (4 @ 10 sec. ea.)
Hamstrings (3@ 10 sec. ea., both legs)
Quads (3 @ 10 sec. ea., both legs)
Hips (3 @ 10 sec. ea., both hips)
Pectorals (2 @ 10 sec. ea.)

13 minutes Strength Training:
25 push-ups25 crunches
25 back extensions
25 tricep extensions, ea. arm
25 bicep curls, ea. arm
25 overhead press

Total time: 23 minutes

Week 2, Day 1: Kristin

Today is a Stretching + Strength day. I have to be perfectly honest, if I could crawl back into bed and start today over, I would. I feel horrible today. I lack motivation and the energy to do much of anything. I got through my stretches, and even tried one of the yoga poses that Joy sent to me. It was a lot harder than I thought. I didn't stretch for very long today, mostly because I have a bad attitude.

And because of that lack of motivation and energy, I only did 12 minutes of the "No Excuses Workout" today. I really thought I'd get through three sets, but it wasn't happening today.

This week is going to be crazy and stressful. My youngest is starting to school this week and it's been emotionally draining on me. I'm not ready for it, so honestly, training for these races is the last thing on my mind. If it wasn't for Joy, and the fact that we're doing this together, I'd probably just skip this week altogether. But I know I can't. So, I'm gonna put my "big girl panties" on and suck it up.

Today's "accomplishments":

Stretching = 5 minutes
Strengthening = 12 minutes + 5 minute warm up
  • 15 regular push-ups (set one)
  • 15 regular crunches (set one)
  • 15 back extensions (set one)
  • 15 modified lunges (set one)
  • 15 push-ups w/ elbows along sides (set two)
  • 15 leg lifts (set two)
  • 15 two-legged bridges (set two)
  • 15 reverse modified lunges (set two)

Side note: I will be more motivated tomorrow. I will. It's just been a day.


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Week 1, Day 7: Joyful

An easy day on the schedule today, with just 30 minutes of cross-training.

I hopped onto the Wii Fit and knocked out 32 minutes and 113 calories.  I did a variety of balance and aerobics activities.  At first I kinda felt like it was cheating, but at the end I was gross and sweaty.  While doing the balance activities my abs were really talking to me, so I guess the crunches I did last night were effective.

This has been a really productive week, and I'm really proud of myself and Kristin for keeping up with it!  The upcoming week is going to prove challenging as school starts (both for us and her children), and scheduling will become more difficult.  Working out has become a means of emotional release, though, so I find myself looking forward to exercising - as sick as that sounds.

Wii Fit - 32 min.
113 calories burned

Here's to Week Two - one week closer to the Miami Half Marathon!

Week 1, Day 7: Kristin

Well, today is the final day of the first week of training. I am pooped! Yesterday was exhausting, even without my 2 mile run.

Today was a 30 minute cross-training day, and I rode my bike again. I took a little different route, but I'm pretty sure I did the same distance as the other day, if not more. I took my iPod this time and rocked out while riding away. I really enjoy the time I get to spend on my bicycle. It's relaxing, even though I'm putting my body through a workout. It also takes me back to my childhood, which was fantastic!

I'm happy to have survived this first week of training, and I'm really pumped for the next week. :-) We get to add more distance to our runs. I've really been looking forward to that. Really!

Total distance = about 3 miles (give or take)
Total time = 30 minutes

Side note: riding your bike through sprinklers is AWESOME!! :-) And sometimes you get some funny looks, which makes it even better.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Week 1, Day 6: Joyful

Today was a 2-mile run and the strength training session that I moved from Thursday.

I knocked out my two miles this afternoon.  It was a fairly easy workout, but I am frustrated that I'm not able to run as far as I'd like.  Before my month off I was able to run 3-5 consecutive minutes, which was a victory for me.  Today I had an asthma attack about 10 minutes in and had to use my rescue inhaler before I could continue.  At the end of my two miles, I'd only ran about five total minutes overall.  I felt like I could have easily kept walking, but running was terribly difficult.

I'm going to keep at it and hopefully my lungs will get back into shape so I can start running at least as much as walking.

I managed 24 of my 30 minutes of strength training.  I lacked those six minutes because I ran out of exercises that I remembered.  I need to get online and get a few more so I can just do my own home-version of circuit training.  I am very pleased that my breathing was much more in control than when I'd done weights in the past.  Instead of nearly passing out, I concentrated on breathing in and out at the right time and visualizing my muscles expanding and contracting to lift and hold the weights.  Nerdy, but it worked!

Distance: 2 miles (mostly walking)
Time: 37 min.

push-ups - 25
bicep curls - 50 ea. arm
crunches - 50
back extensions - 50
standing calf raises - 25
bench press - 50
lunges - 15 ea. leg
overhead press - 50
tricep extensions- 35 ea. arm

Great day, overall!

Week 1, Day 6: Kristin

Yesterday was our rest day. In case you were wondering where our posts were.

Today was not a good day for me. I woke up to a house with a broken air conditioner. I spent all morning waiting for the AC guy to come and fix what we knew was broken all along. It really threw my day off. I was almost to the point that I wasn't going to do my 2 mile run today. I just thought, "Nope. It's not happening today."

I'm glad that I didn't give up. I decided that I would get myself and the kids out of the house. We went to lunch with my parents and I got my second wind. I drove all the way out to Sperry, where my parents live, and had the kids play at their house while I did my 2 miles.

It was a rough one. It was 105 degrees, and who knows what the heat index was. I'm gonna make a guess and say it was in the 115 range. I only ran about 1.1 miles, but I'm gonna blame it on a combination of things: my attitude, the heat, and my ginormous lunch.

Needless to say, this is one run I would like to forget quickly.

Total distance = 2 miles: 1.1 miles running, 0.9 miles walking
Total time = 24 minutes

Side note: don't honk at people who are running in the road, especially when they move out of your way. It only pisses them off and makes their difficult run a little worse.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Week 1, Day 4: Joyful

The training schedule calls for a 2-mile run and strength training.  Because our schedule is interchangeable, I'm going to move my Thursday strength training to Saturday, simply because I have more time.

I bought new running shoes today. They're Saucony, a brand I've only heard good things about.  They are fantastic to walk in, but for some reason my lower back was aching the whole time I was on the treadmill.  I'm not too concerned about it because of "other stuff" that is going on physically right now.  The pain did prevent me from doing much running, only about 5 minutes overall.  I'm going to give it a few more runs with the shoes to make sure that's the problem.

So, not a stellar day of training, but the two miles were accomplished.  Tomorrow is rest day and Girls Night!

Week 1, Day 4: Kristin

Today is a run + strength day. For my strengthening exercises, I used a "No Excuses Workout" that Joyful sent me via email this morning. It has a quick little 5 minute warm-up, and then 4 different routines. I've decided to take it easy today, so I did the warm-up, and the first of the 4 routines. I'll add another "set" each day I'm scheduled to do strengthening exercises.

Today's Strengthening:

5 minute warm-up = jogging in place, and some shadow boxing
6 minute Set One = 15 regular push-ups, 15 regular crunches, 15 back extensions, and 15 modified lunges

The "run" part of the day is a 2 mile run. I just did the same route that I ran on Tuesday, so no surprises there.

Today's Run:

Total distance = 2 miles: 1.65 miles running, 0.35 miles walking
Total time = 24 minutes

Tried some Band-Aid Friction Block today because I don't have any Body Glide yet. I have to say, it made a little bit of a difference.

Side note: MAN, it's hot out there!!


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week 1, Day 3: Cross-train, Joyful

Today was a difficult day emotionally, and Mother Nature knocked me down a peg or two physically.  So I scrapped the intense upper body workout I'd planned in lieu of a brisk walk on the treadmill.

I have to admit that if I hadn't had a workout on the books today and if I was doing this without Kristin, I could easily have come home, showered and vegged on the couch till bedtime.  I probably would have because I just felt awful.  However, I knew that Kristin is counting on me and that I would likely feel better after exercising.  So I did, and I feel much, much better emotionally.

Tomorrow is an easy 2-mile run and strength training!  WOOT!

Distance: 1.5 miles
Time: 30 min.
Speed: 3 mph

Week 1, Day 3: Kristin

Who would have thought that riding your bike for 30 minutes would be so difficult? Well, when you add in 103 degree heat, and only God knows what the heat index is, you can see how it would be challenging. I probably rode a total of 3 miles-ish on the bike, but I felt like my legs were going to fall off when I was finished. It was EXHAUSTING! I'm glad I ended up doing the bike ride, though, instead of something like the jump rope like my hubby suggested. It's not that I won't do the jump rope some other day, but I was really looking forward to riding my bike.

Total time = 30 minutes
Distance on bicycle = 3 miles-ish... :-)

On a side note, my hiney hurts! That bicycle seat is not my friend at the moment.


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 1, Day 2: Kristin

Today was the first run day in our training program. The last time I ran, which was last Thursday, I pushed it too hard and kind of hurt my knee. I have issues with my knees, so I have to be careful. Today, I took it easier and was quite impressed with my outcome.

As Joy said earlier, it was the 2 mile run/walk. I ran for 1.25 miles straight through before I needed to give my knees a break. I then walked for 0.5 miles before running the last 0.25 miles.

Grand total = 2 miles! 1.5 mi. running, 0.5 mi. walking
Total time = 25 minutes!!

I might have been able to push through to 1.5 miles straight, but it was so stinking hot outside! This is what I looked like when I got finished with my run. Fair warning: It's NOT pretty!

Again, it was 100 degrees outside. Gimme a break!

On a side note, I really need to invest in some Body Glide. Just sayin'.


First run on the Official Training Program

Was going to do another video diary, but I'm not going to make you look at my face more than once a day.

So today is technically Day 2 of the Training Program that Kristin and I are using to prepare for the Tulsa Run (and ultimately the Miami Marathon).  The schedule called for a 2-mile run/walk.

I was pumped all day about getting home and hopping on the treadmill.  I was doing 1:1 running/walking intervals, then about 2/3 of a mile in, my right arch and heel began hurting to the point I couldn't run without major pain.  I ended up walking for 16 minutes according to my iPod, and during the last quarter mile or so I started doing some more intervals.  I have *got* to get new shoes.  I have way too many miles on the ones I'm currently using.

The good news, during my running intervals I was running considerably faster than I have been.  At 5 mph instead of the usual 4-4.5 mph.  (Still just jogging, really, but cut me some slack.)

Distance: 2 miles
Time: 35 (plus 5 min. each for warm-up/cool-down)
Mph: 17.5

Tomorrow is cross-training day!

Joy and Kristin Introduce You to the Plan

Monday, August 9, 2010

Week 1, Day 1: Kristin

Today is Day 1 of my training for the 15K Tulsa Run that takes place on October 30th. My sister-in-law pointed me in the direction of a training program for a half-marathon, as well as one for a 15K.

Here's what I did today: "Stretch and Strengthen/Mondays"
  • 15 minutes of stretching
  • 30 minutes of strengthening (push-ups, crunches, and some light weight lifting)

I'm excited to be taking this journey with Joyful, my best friend. I'm hoping that this 15K will give me some insight as to whether I can actually do the half-marathon with her. She is going to do it, no matter what. I'm still undecided on it.

Wish me luck!!
