Sunday, August 29, 2010

Week 3, Days 6 & 7: Joyful

Yes, yes, I'm a day late in posting this.  I finished my last workout a bit late last night and didn't feel like blogging it, to be honest.

Yesterday - Day 6
I had a 4-miler on the schedule, and I ended up just walking the whole thing.  I had a migraine most of yesterday, and I was waiting for it to subside before I started my workouts.  At 7pm it was still going strong, so I decided to just go for it anyway.  Because of the migraine and the persisting shoe issue, I didn't even try to jog, let alone run.  My time still sucks, of course, but I completed a 4-mile walk - the most I've ever walked for walking's sake!  

More than anything, I'm really proud of myself for sticking to it even with the migraine.  It would have been really easy to just skip a day's training, but I this has become a priority for me.  I'm doing this for me and no one else, and it's a matter of principle that I keep my commitment to myself.

I still had the strength training left over from Thursday.  I rested a bit after the walk, began with a few minutes of stretches (which feel great and are becoming increasingly important), then knocked out a few simple strength training exercises.

Today - Day 7
Today's schedule calls for 30 minutes of strength training, which I completed this morning already.  I just did a Wii Fit workout.  I'm trying to make the most of my cross-training days, so I'm starting to do the more advanced versions of some of the exercises, which burn more calories.


Yesterday - 

4-mile walk:
73 minutes, 458 calories burned

Strength Training:
16 minutes, 77 calories burned

50 crunches
50 shoulder presses
50 dumbbell flies
25 bicep curls
25 tricep extensions
+5 minutes stretching

Today - 

Wii Fit workout
30 minutes, 151 calories burned

1 comment:

  1. So proud of you for sticking with it! You are awesome, friend!!!
