Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week 2, Day 6: Kristin

Yesterday was our rest day. Joy and her husband came over to my house and we did some more video blogs. I'll post those later today. They're fantastic!

Today's agenda had us doing a 3 mile run. It's a lot hotter today than it was at the beginning of the week when I did my 3-miler. I walked less, but my time was worse today. I think it's because I didn't eat anything for breakfast this morning, completely by accident, and it really affected me. I felt like I was going to be sick a couple of times on my run, and came really close to losing it when I walked through the door at home. It wasn't a "bad" run totally, but it sure wasn't a "great" run by any means.

Total distance = 3 miles: 2.7 running, 0.3 walking
Total time = 39 minutes :-(

Side note: ALWAYS eat something before a run! Not right before a run, but don't run on an empty stomach. You'll be paying for it later!


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