Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 1, Day 2: Kristin

Today was the first run day in our training program. The last time I ran, which was last Thursday, I pushed it too hard and kind of hurt my knee. I have issues with my knees, so I have to be careful. Today, I took it easier and was quite impressed with my outcome.

As Joy said earlier, it was the 2 mile run/walk. I ran for 1.25 miles straight through before I needed to give my knees a break. I then walked for 0.5 miles before running the last 0.25 miles.

Grand total = 2 miles! 1.5 mi. running, 0.5 mi. walking
Total time = 25 minutes!!

I might have been able to push through to 1.5 miles straight, but it was so stinking hot outside! This is what I looked like when I got finished with my run. Fair warning: It's NOT pretty!

Again, it was 100 degrees outside. Gimme a break!

On a side note, I really need to invest in some Body Glide. Just sayin'.


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