Monday, August 16, 2010

Week 2, Day 1: Kristin

Today is a Stretching + Strength day. I have to be perfectly honest, if I could crawl back into bed and start today over, I would. I feel horrible today. I lack motivation and the energy to do much of anything. I got through my stretches, and even tried one of the yoga poses that Joy sent to me. It was a lot harder than I thought. I didn't stretch for very long today, mostly because I have a bad attitude.

And because of that lack of motivation and energy, I only did 12 minutes of the "No Excuses Workout" today. I really thought I'd get through three sets, but it wasn't happening today.

This week is going to be crazy and stressful. My youngest is starting to school this week and it's been emotionally draining on me. I'm not ready for it, so honestly, training for these races is the last thing on my mind. If it wasn't for Joy, and the fact that we're doing this together, I'd probably just skip this week altogether. But I know I can't. So, I'm gonna put my "big girl panties" on and suck it up.

Today's "accomplishments":

Stretching = 5 minutes
Strengthening = 12 minutes + 5 minute warm up
  • 15 regular push-ups (set one)
  • 15 regular crunches (set one)
  • 15 back extensions (set one)
  • 15 modified lunges (set one)
  • 15 push-ups w/ elbows along sides (set two)
  • 15 leg lifts (set two)
  • 15 two-legged bridges (set two)
  • 15 reverse modified lunges (set two)

Side note: I will be more motivated tomorrow. I will. It's just been a day.


1 comment:

  1. Don't put your accomplishments in quotes, my darling - they are not fake accomplishments posing as real accomplishments! You didn't want to do this workout, but you did it anyway! That you did something, ANYTHING is a victory! Celebrate that! I'm very proud of you, and I know tomorrow will be a better day. Love you, friend!
