Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week 3, Day 6: Kristin

I am so glad that yesterday was a rest day. I needed it, BIG TIME!

Today we had our first 4-mile run of the training schedule. I have to admit, I was very intimidated to have to do this run. Instead of running my normal 2-mile route twice, I decided to drive into Sperry and run the Osage Prairie Trail into Skiatook. I had my mom drop me off, and then she picked me up at the end of my 4 miles. I started out with a great pace, and wasn't winded much during the entire run. I ran what I thought was about a mile and a half, and then walked for one-tenth of a mile. Then I ran some more, and walked another tenth. Then, when I knew I had about half a mile left, I walked three-tenths of it, and ran the last two-tenths.

In total, I ran 3.5 miles, and only walked 0.5 of it. I completely surprised myself. Maybe I'll be able to run 4 miles straight soon. We shall see.

Total distance = 4 miles: 3.5 running, 0.5 walking
Total time = 46 minutes (!!) <--WOWZA!

Side note: When there are two lanes on a trail, and you are riding your bike with your whole family, the polite thing to do is to move over to the other side when someone is approaching you from the opposite direction. Please don't make the runner run off into the ditch because you can't stop your conversation for two seconds while the runner passes by. INCREDIBLY RUDE!!


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