Sunday, September 26, 2010

Week 7, Day 6: Joyful

Yesterday was a FANTASTIC day in the Two Girls Run a Half-Marathon world!

Kristin and I used the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure 5k as our training for the day.  We made our own team shirts ("Team Bossy Pants"), and even had our own cheering section.

Because I've been doing my training on the treadmill, I needed something to help regulate my pace out in the "real world."  I found an pedometer app with which you can set a chime to sound out at whatever pace you set it to.  I set it to 14-minute miles and had it play over my running playlist of music.

This little app helped me tremendously!  My last two races I would start jogging having no idea how fast I was going, then I'd tire myself out, walk a ways, then go way too fast again.  This app allowed me to RUN THE ENTIRE 5K!!!  This is a first!  I only walked a couple of times, namely when I approached the water stations.

Let me repeat that.  I had strep throat a week and a half ago, and yesterday I RAN 3.1 MILES!!

Because there were 14,000 runners and this was a charity event, there were a ton of spectators just cheering the runners on, including the cheer squads from the local high schools. Whenever I saw a line of cheerers, I took the opportunity to high-five each and every one of them.  It was great since, as most of you know, I'm kinda the High Five Queen.  I probably got 100+  high fives.  It was a great feeling to have that extra support.

In the end, my official time was 46:11, which is just shy of a 15-minute mile.  Apparently my pacer is just a few seconds off.  Even though this isn't my best 5k time, I achieved something new by running the entire course, so I am super stoked about that.

Today I am incredibly sore.  Totally worth it to know that I've accomplished something I never I'd be able to do.

3.1 miles
46 minutes
342 calories burned

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