Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Out of the Loop

Well, the sore throat I started out with on Saturday night is actually strep.  Aside from feeling physically run down, I am mentally beat down, too.  This is my second week without a workout, and I see Kristin killing it every day, and I just feel left behind.

The doctor said I should be able to at least complete 5 miles on Saturday, but I just have to listen to my body.  It's really frustrating because I really want to be able to try to set a PR at the Race for the Cure 5k.  With the two weeks off, then recovery next week, I fear I'm going to be in no shape for that.

I realize it's not a huge deal in the grand scheme of things - which is the Tulsa Run and the Half Marathon in January, but it's really difficult to be forced to sit on the sidelines without a choice while your partner kills each and every workout.

All that being said, I have to use apply my favorite saying, here: "S.I.U."  I have to just suck it up, and work with what I've got.

I'm never going to give up.

1 comment:

  1. You can't help what's going on with your body. Please don't beat yourself up about it. Once you're recovered, you're going to kick some major tail!! I just know it. I'm proud of you, no matter what!!! Love you!!!!!!
