Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Kristin: Half-Marathon

I may not always be able to update this on a daily basis like I was able to the last go 'round. School has gotten me quite flustered as of late, and I'm busier with the kids than I have been in awhile. I will do my best, though, to get these on here at least two or three times a week. If I haven't posted, it doesn't mean that I'm not doing the work-outs. I promise.

This is the first official week of half-marathon training. I have been looking forward to this since running the Tulsa Run because I want to know that the end is in sight. I had to take a week off, however, because of a foot injury. That week we had between training could not have come at a better time. I was able to rest, take some steroids and ibuprofen, and really rehab that foot. So, yesterday when I went out for my first official run, I was a little apprehensive with the foot. It was fine, though. I'll get to that later.

This is a strength and stretch day. For this, I would do what I normally do. I amped it up a little, though, this week.

I stretched for 5 minuets.

Then, I did 100 of each of these:
oblique crunches
calf raises
2-legged bridges

I also threw in 10 planks. These were very difficult. You have to hold the position for ten seconds. It's supposed to strengthen your core, which I need help with tremendously. I'm going to do this every time we have a strengthening day, as well as to take the place of the one cross-training day (Saturday) we have a week. Our training schedule this time around allows for us to add an extra "light" running day in a week. I'm going to take full advantage of that. I promise to take it easy, though.

This was supposed to be a 3 mile running day on the schedule. I woke up super early because I had gone to bed really early the night before. I was having a really stressful day, and I needed sleep. Stress does that to me. I love my hubby for allowing me to go to bed while he took care of things around here. He's an angel, really! Back to the run, though. I wanted to get up before my hubby had to go to work. He leaves at 6:30 am, so I got up at 5:30 am. I figured, it's only 3 miles, so I'll be back in plenty of time that he won't have to worry about being late. Everything was going great, until a dog caught sight of me from his back yard and decided he wasn't pleased. He busted his head through his stockade fence and it really freaked me out. I called Ryan to come get me because I was afraid that on my turnaround the dog would bust all the way through the fence and come after me. I'm sure that wouldn't have happened, but I didn't want to take any chances. Needless to say, I only got through 1.6 miles of the 3 mile run. So, since Wednesday's schedule calls for a 2 mile run, I decided to call it a day and use this for Wednesday's run. It doesn't equal 2 miles, but it was also my first day running since the Tulsa Run, and I wanted to baby that foot a little more. Glad I did!

Run totals:
Total distance = 1.6 miles: all running
Total time = 16 minutes: I had a great pace going! Stupid dog!!

As I said above, I switched Tuesday and Wednesday. Today's run, however, was brutal. It was not a fun run. I haven't been feeling 100% the past two days. My stomach has been really achy and I think it could be the steroids I was taking for my foot. The pharmacist and the doc both said that could happen. Whatever the case, my run was rough. My legs felt like jell-o and my stomach hurt really bad. At some points, it felt like my heart was going to explode. I chose to slow way down when it felt like that, so as to not overdo it. Because of that, I have a much slower time. I really don't care at this point. I'm just glad the run is over. I've taken my last steroid pill, so hopefully I'll start feeling like myself again. Who knows? Anyway, here's the details for today's run:

Run totals:
Total distance = 3.1 miles: 2.9 running, 0.2 walking
Total time = 35 minutes


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